Digital Marketing Blog from Connection Model, a nimble Digital Marketing Agency

Key Digital Marketing Trends for 2023

Written by David Carpenter | November 10, 2022

As we move further into the 21st century, digital marketing continues to evolve at a rapid pace, becoming more diverse, inclusive, and connected to real customer needs. With new technologies and platforms emerging every year, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest trends. If you want your business to stay competitive, however, it’s essential to pay attention.

The term “marketing” is constantly evolving. What was once a term used to describe the process of advertising and selling products has now become much more complex. The 2023 trends below will help to shape the way that companies interact with their customers and how they go about acquiring new ones.

Customer Experience (CX) 

In a world where customers have more choices than ever before, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to focus on providing an exceptional level of service. The trend for 2023 is to move away from one-size-fits-all campaigns and start personalizing your marketing efforts to deliver more targeted and relevant messages to your audience. 

While this may seem like a daunting task, there are a number of tools and technologies that can help you to deliver personalized experiences at scale. Connection Model is an adept digital marketing agency that can help you make a connection with your customers and create experiences that are both personal and relevant. 

Story-Driven Content, User-Generated Content 

Story-driven content has been on the rise in recent years, and it shows no signs of slowing down. In a world where people are bombarded with an endless stream of content, stories have the power to break through the noise and capture attention. Millennials are especially drawn to strong emotional stories that speak to their values. 

User-generated content will also continue to grow in popularity. This is content that is created by everyday people rather than brands or professionals. Why is this type of content so powerful? Because it’s authentic and relatable and often takes on a viral quality, spreading quickly and easily across social media platforms. 

Conversational Marketing (Personal Chatbots) 

As digital marketing becomes more sophisticated, so does the way that businesses communicate with their customers. In recent years, we’ve seen a rise in the use of chatbots, and they are only going to become more ubiquitous in the coming years. Businesses are using chatbots to provide 24/7 customer support, answer FAQs, and even make recommendations. As AI advances, chatbots will be able to handle even more complex inquiries and provide a more human-like experience. 

SEO, Google, and Featured Snippets 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ever-changing landscape as Google refines its algorithms to deliver the most relevant search results to users. But, the basics of SEO remain the same (keywords, backlinks, and so on) and will continue to be essential in 2023. 

One of the biggest changes that we’re likely to see in SEO is an increase in featured snippets. Because these are positioned at the top of the search results page, they often get more clicks than the first organic result. Our team of SEO experts can help you to optimize your content to increase your chances of appearing in featured snippets. 

Voice Search 

With the rise of digital assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, it’s no surprise that voice search is becoming the new norm. In fact, PWC found that over 61% of consumers ages 25-64 use voice search at least once a day, which means that they are now accustomed to using their voices to search for information online. So, if you’re not optimizing your content for voice search, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity. 


As we see a continued increase in the use of social media, video will become an even more vital part of the marketing mix in 2023. This is because optimized videos can be viewed on smaller screens for those with shorter attention spans. With the rise of story clips and live-streaming, businesses need to be prepared to create content for these formats as well. 

In order to succeed with video, you need to create content that is engaging, entertaining, and informative to capture your audience’s attention and deliver results. 

AI-Powered Content and Marketing 

In terms of content, AI is expected to have a significant impact when it comes to personalizing the user experience and delivering targeted content. This technology is revolutionizing the way businesses create and distribute content, and it’s also changing the way that consumers interact with brands. By using AI-powered content, businesses can ensure that their message is being seen by the right people at the right time. 

Gen Z Influence 

This generation is already starting to come into its own, and its members are known for their passion and spending power. They are highly tech-savvy and have a strong preference for brands that are authentic and transparent. To reach them, businesses need to focus on trends like user-generated content, interactive experiences, and personalization. And, since Gen Z is highly influenced by social media, it’s also important to have a strong presence on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. 

Social Responsibility/Sustainability 

Now that consumers are more aware of the environmental and social impact of the products they purchase, businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to address these concerns. This could take the form of promoting eco-friendly product initiatives, supporting charitable causes, or simply communicating a commitment to sustainable practices. By tapping into consumers’ growing desire for socially responsible products and services, businesses can not only improve their bottom line but also make a positive impact on the world. 

Local Marketing, Local SEO 

There are a few trends that are likely to stick around for the long haul. One such trend is local marketing. With the advent of mobile devices and GPS tracking, it has become easier than ever for businesses to target customers in their immediate vicinity. This has led to an increase in local SEO efforts as companies strive to ensure that their websites and online listings appear prominently in search results for relevant keywords. 

We can help you tweak your website and online listings so that they are more visible to potential customers in your area. 

Use of Digital Marketing Agency 

There has never been a time more important to have a strong online presence than today. With so much competition, businesses must find ways to stand out from the crowd and attract potential customers. As we close out 2022 and begin looking toward the future, it’s essential to have a digital marketing strategy in place. One way to do this is to use a digital marketing agency, like Connection Model. 

While trends in marketing often come and go, the basics of success will always remain the same. Understanding and communicating with your audience, focusing on content marketing, and having a solid base of quality content across all channels are key. We can help you to create an effective online marketing strategy and implement it through our proven process. We’ll work with you to understand your business goals and target audience, and then we’ll create a customized plan to help you achieve your desired results. 

Contact us today to learn more!