Companies are always trying to illicit a buying response. They're always trying to appeal to their customers and they'll use several different strategies to get customers buying. Some will be direct. Some will use humor and yet some will create a sense of urgency. Your digital marketing strategies can do the same. So, how do you put psychology to work in digital marketing?
1. Focus on Value
Don't make the common mistake of comparing your product to your competitor's. A side-by-side comparison doesn't work. It confuses people, makes them think long and hard about the comparison and it often backfires. Avoid this entirely. Make your digital marketing different by focusing on the unique value your company brings to the market. Concentrate on the selling points of your offer and make your product stand apart from the crowd.2. Be Upfront and Honest
Today's audiences know when something sounds too good to be true. Self-effacing companies that can make fun of themselves illicit a response in customers. Don't be too serious. Be upfront and honest about your product. Admit that it doesn't solve everything, but that what it does address makes it different from anything else in your market.
3. Bright Colorful Images and Logos
Your digital marketing strategies should focus on happy themes. Use bright and vivid images. Videos with humor always work but it's often colors that make a difference. Yellow is the happiest color because it generates a feeling of optimism. Blue conveys trust which is why the most popular text and link color on Google AdWords is blue. Red is bold and youthful. Green is calming and peaceful. Choose a color that matches your branding and product philosophy.4. Creating a Sense of Urgency
Limited-time offers work. They get customers thinking that time is of the essence. They create a sense of urgency and they create anticipation. However, you can't just inundate your market with a bunch of digital marketing messages about limited time offers. Instead, you must guide your audience towards that eventual conclusion. Create a sense of urgency but make sure you do it at the right time, which is typically right after a prospect gets converted.5. An Exclusive Club
Customers love to be members of exclusive clubs. They enjoy being rewarded. They appreciate being compensated for their business. When your digital marketing strategies promote an exclusive membership or rewards program, then you can tap into people's subconscious need to feel part of something special.
Psychology in digital marketing works. It forces you to put yourself in your customer's shoes. It forces you to ask yourself if what you're offering is enticing enough. Use these strategies and you will see an increase in online lead generation.
Contact us if you want some insight into how you can put these strategies to use in your digital marketing approaches.
Written By: David Carpenter