

Content is the FUEL that powers Inbound Marketing 

  • Over $30 billion spent on content every year. (Custom Content Council)
  • Marketers, on average, spend over a quarter of their marketing budget on content marketing. (B2B Marketing Insider)
  • 62% of companies today outsource their content marketing — up 7% from last year (Mashable)
  • Because 61% of consumers say they feel better about a company that delivers custom content, they are also more likely to buy from that company. (Custom Content Council)
  • Blogs give websites 434% more indexed pages and 97% more indexed links. (Content+)
  • B2B companies with blogs generate 67% more leads per month on average than non-blogging firms. (Social Media B2B)
  • The average cost to generate a lead through inbound marketing ($143) is half the average for outbound marketing ($373). (G+)

As you can see, Content really works — but only when it is Relevant, Remarkable and ConsistentRelevant to your target audience, Remarkable in that your readers want to remarkengage with you, and share with their friends and colleagues, and Consistently published to bring in fresh views and continual interest from the search engines.

In an effort to make content Relevant, Remarkable, Consistent and affordable to more regional and mid-market businesses this year, Connection Model has engaged content writers and professional editors experienced in over 40 vertical industries to develop the following content subscriptions (already deeply discounted to provide Inbound Marketing fuel on a consistent basis).


Proving Content Marketing ROI: 4 Values

Value #1: Content is lasting and permanent

  • A study by Kapost and Eloqua found that content marketing ROI outweighed the ROI of paid search (temporary investment that is widely believed to be the most cost-effective marketing tactic) by more than three times.
  • In the study, only 9 leads were generated by paid search, while 31 leads were generated by content marketing.
  • The cost-per-lead for paid search was $111.11.
  • The cost-per-lead for content marketing was $32.25.
  • In addition, a HubSpot study found that 82 percent of marketers who blog daily reported seeing a positive ROI for their overall inbound marketing efforts.


Value #2: Content serves two masters: your customers and search engines

  • A 2012 HubSpot report found that organic search leads have a 14.6 percent close rate, while outbound marketing leads have a 1.7 percent close rate.
  • It also found that search leads are eight times more likely to close over a lead generated through direct marketing.
  • Nielsen research found that 67 percent of consumers were more likely to buy a new product if they found it through an online search.


Value #3: Content gains trust; trust gains customers

  • Sales Force Marketing reports on a study by TMG Custom Media that found that 78 percent of consumers believe that organizations that offer custom content are interested in building good relationships with them.
  • Edelman research showed that 64 percent of consumers need to hear information from a company three to five times before they believe the message.
  • A Nielsen report found that 53 percent of consumers said they were somewhat or much more likely to buy a new product when they learned about it through an online article.


Value #4: Content speaks to skeptical Millennials better than advertising

  • Edelman 8095 Insights found that 94 percent of Millennials use at least one outside source to make a brand purchase decision, up from 86 percent in 2010.
  • According to this post by Brian Solis, 66 percent of Millennials will look up a store if they see a friend check in.
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce data reports that 80 percent of Millennials sleep next to their phones.
  • And it’s not just Millennials. In a survey of 1,000 men and women, CrowdTap found that most people don’t trust traditional advertising nearly as much as they trust recommendations.



Research Findings:


HubSpot_State_of_Inbound_2013In the just released State of Inbound Marketing report, HubSpot found that:

  • Within 6 months, customers were reaching 2x more visitors in a month.
  • Within 1 year, customers reached 3.5x more visitors in a month.
  • Key Finding: Within 2 years, they were attracting nearly 7x more visitors per month.


Burson-Marsteller Fortune Global 100 Social Media Study

  • Roundup of Global Fortune 100 use of social media – showcasing how even traditional brands are using social media to connect more closely with customers.
  • Key Finding: 79% of the Global Fortune 100 use at least one social media channel with Twitter emerging as the social media platform of choice.


ROI of Inbound Marketing through Implementing Hubspot Software

  • Return on Investment analysis documenting how hundreds of HubSpot customers have grown traffic, leads and sales.
  • Key Finding: Overall, users experienced a 4.2x increase in leads and most saw increases in sales within four months.



Content Marketing Works!



So how do we get there?  With Inbound Marketing + Connection Model's 5 Phase Growth Model:


What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is the name for a proven process of driving revenue growth by acquiring a steady stream of qualified leads who convert into profitable customers.

Instead of the old outbound marketing methods of buying ads, buying email lists, and crossing fingers waiting for leads, inbound marketing focuses on creating quality and relevant content that pulls people toward your company and solution, where they can find answers to the questions they are asking. By aligning the content you publish with your customer’s needs, you naturally attract traffic that is searching you out.

Conversion rates improve when you're pulling visitors to your offers and solutions rather than interrupting when they are not searching for you.


What makes up Inbound? (source: HubSpot)

Inbound marketing is about creating and sharing content with the world. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your future customers, inbound attracts qualified prospects to your business and keeps them coming back for more.

  • Content Creation: You create targeted content that answers your customer's basic questions and needs, and you share that content far and wide.

  • Lifecycle Marketing: You recognize that people go through stages as they interact with your company, and that each stage requires different marketing actions.

  • Personalization: As you learn more about your leads over time, you can better personalize your messages to their specific needs.

  • Multi-channel: Inbound marketing is multi-channel by nature because it approaches people where they are, in the channel where they want to interact with you.

  • Integration: Your publishing and analytics tools all work together like a well-oiled machine, allowing you to focus on publishing the right content in the right place at the right time.




Make marketing people love.


By publishing the right content in the right place at the right time, your marketing becomes relevant and helpful to your customers, not interruptive. Now that’s marketing people can love.





What is Connection Model's 5 Phase Growth Model:





Essential Monthly Content Subscription

$1950/mo. which includes:

  • One brainstorm, topic-generation call with our Editor (quarterly)
  • 8 expert-written blogs per month (min. 450 words) 
  • 1 Guide, Ebook or White Paper per quarter (min. 2500 words, 2 rounds of edits)
  • 3 new website pages or landing pages per month
  • 8 social posts (sharing each blog) on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
  • 8 blog re-posts on Google+
  • 8 additional tweets related to your content for Twitter


green_circle_standardStandard Monthly Content Subscription

$2750/mo. which includes:

  • One brainstorm, topic-generation call with our Editor (monthly)
  • 12 expert-written blogs per month (min. 450 words)
  • 1 Guide, Ebook or White Paper per month (min. 2500 words, 2 rounds of edits)
  • 5 new website pages, landing pages or press release per month
  • 12 social posts (sharing each blog) on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
  • 12 blog re-posts on Google+
  • 24 additional tweets related to your content for Twitter
  • One infographic or simple business video set to music (up to 90 seconds)


green_cirecle_premiumPremium Monthly Content Subscription

$4750/mo. which includes:

  • One brainstorm, topic-generation call with our Editor (monthly)
  • 16 expert-written blogs per month (min. 450 words)
  • 2 Guides, Ebooks or White Papers per month (min. 2500 words, 2 rounds of edits)
  • 10 new website pages, landing pages or 2 press releases per month
  • 16 social posts (sharing each blog) on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter
  • 16 blog re-posts on Google+
  • 32 additional tweets related to your content for Twitter
  • One infographic
  • Two simple business videos set to music (up to 90 seconds)


green_circle_spokesmodelProfessional Spokesmodel Business Video

Starting as low as $1500/video on subscription includes:

  • A professionally written and edited script for each Video
  • Attractive Spokesmodel to be the voice of your brand
  • Up to 5 minutes of finished video per shoot (recommendation: 90-120 seconds)
  • Filmed in HD in modern studio with green screen
  • Editing and finishing
  • Custom video template built for your brand (intro, background, closing)
  • Published and promoted on web, blog and social
  • You own all rights and receive the entire creative product to use as you see fit

Learn More: Video Content  



Need more information? 

Contact your Connection Model lead, call 206-414-7463 or send an email to to learn more.  You can also read more about the value of business blogging.




Or Let Us Reach Out to You: